Camper Life R&T-Shirts!
Our brightest T's yet, and they are back just as we are switching from the old camper to the new!
These soft, heathered tri-blend vintage teal are the same material you've come to love about all of our shirts. Camper stamp created & carved by Scott, R&T logo drawn by Mallory and carved by Scott, and put all together by Mallory, it was a real all-hands-on-deck collaboration. Printed again by our favorites, MerchInk in Nashville, TN.
These T's are cozy for all your summer plans-- festivals, camping, campfires, or Netflix. Thanks for coming along on all of our adventures-- we're excited to send part of The R&T on yours.
*Note that due to supply chain (we know, we know, but really) cost of shirts has gone up exceedingly! We tried to strike a balance so that we can cover our costs and you won't break the bank. Thanks for your support!